Toronto, Ontario2012 Completed ● $16M ● 2,355 m2institutionalClient: Cathedral Church of St. James
a–A was initially asked to undertake extensive restoration and upgrading of the Parish Hall to house outreach programs and the Diocesan archives, and to address a number of pressing structural and maintenance issues. Subsequently, the brief grew to include quarters for the Dean of the Cathedral and accommodations for visiting clergy and laity. The historic facade of the Hall was retained, with three levels of new construction. The program includes grade-related outreach and community assembly space, fronting on to Adelaide Street East and in to St. James Park; below-grade archival, choir and instructional space; and second and third floor administrative and residential space.
A new extension reinterprets the traditional cloister, linking the new Hall with existing buildings around an enclosed courtyard. The project sensitively blends public and private spaces, built form and sheltered new urban green space for contemplation.
The exquisite glass pavilion for the Parish Hall is a marvel of simplicity and crystalline beauty. Clewes’ modernism and the cathedral’s Gothic revivalism couldn’t be more dissimilar. Yet the one complements the other effortlessly.