Toronto, Ontario2016 Completed ● 12,552 m2residentialClient: Gairloch Developments
As intensification radiates from Toronto’s downtown core, the focus of residential development has fallen on sites along the rail corridors linking Toronto's former industrial precincts. 383 Sorauren occupies one of these interstitial sites, on the boundary between the West Toronto rail line and the Victorian Roncesvalles Village. At a distance, 383 Sorauren reads as a pure sculptural form, its brick faces carved with deep rectangular recesses that evoke its warehouse milieu.
From the street, it reveals a tripartite scheme. Atop a transparent base of double-height townhouse units, a middle layer stands within the brick frame, stepping back from the west face on Floors 7 and 8 to expose the brick supporting structure of the building. On Floors 9 and 10, the floor plate steps back again on all sides, creating a fully glazed, transparent pavilion atop the main structure. Brawny but refined, 383 Sorauren celebrates its gritty industrial context, while exhibiting sensitivity to the residential character of Roncesvalles Village.
Recognition2017 City of Toronto Urban Design ● Award of Excellence for Building in Context -
A valuable precedent for Canadian architecture – nodding to history while exploring new ground.