Toronto, Ontario2008 Completed ● 39,257 m2residential ● mixed-use ● commercial ● hospitalityClient: Freed Development
The Thompson Hotel and Residences, combining private and highly public, socially active spaces, represents a type of development that is relatively new to Toronto and which has reimagined an important 19th century reighbourhood. The program of residential, hotel and hospitality uses is clearly expressed in the built form. Three rectilinear buildings span a city block from north to south, linked by a fourth building set along the northern edge of the site.
The first building, clad in clear and translucent glass, houses the 95-room boutique hotel and rooftop lounge and marks the intersection of Bathurst and Wellington as a social destination. The remaining three buildings house private residences, and the bays between each form a pair of garden courts that connect the Thompson with a 19th century city park on Wellington Street.
Recognition2012 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada ● Governor General's Medal in Urban Design (Nominee)2011 City of Toronto ● Urban Design Award of Excellence for Building in Context2008 City of Toronto ● Urban Design Award of Excellence2008 PUG Awards ● People's Choice Award (Finalist)