Toronto, Ontario2023 In Design ● 151,095 m2residential ● mixed-use ● commercialClient: Dream / Kilmer Group / TriconCollaborators: Cobe
A three-block site in the West Don Lands offers a new interpretation of the neighbourhood’s language of courtyard buildings and a new take on a–A’s sensitive reinterpretation of the WDL’s heritage warehouse architecture. Vibrant high streets, sheltered publicly accessible courtyards, and intimate residential enclaves combine to augment the creative, ‘coherent diversity’ of Toronto’s eastern waterfront precinct. Blocks 3/4/7 sit immediately north of the Distillery District and west of the Canary District, where a–A established master plans and executed a number of residential and mixed-use projects. The form and massing of the blocks explore the same language that a–A and its collaborator, Cobe, developed for the WDL Block 8. Facetted towers clad in pale metal panelling float above robust masonry bases that observe the massing, materiality and roof datum of the Distillery’s heritage tank houses.